Necessary Features

In order for a language to be called "implemented" in BMS, it needs to support the following features:

  • Every script function which is registered on a type's namespace must:
    • Be callable on a ReflectReference representing object of that type in the script
    local my_reference = ...
    • If it's static it must be callable from a global proxy object for that type, i.e.
  • ReflectReferences must support a set of basic features:
    • Access to fields via reflection i.e.:
    local my_reference = ...
    my_reference.my_field = 5
    • Basic operators and standard operations are overloaded with the appropriate standard dynamic function registered:
      • Addition: dispatches to the add binary function on the type
      • Multiplication: dispatches to the mul binary function on the type
      • Division: dispatches to the div binary function on the type
      • Subtraction: dispatches to the sub binary function on the type
      • Modulo: dispatches to the rem binary function on the type
      • Negation: dispatches to the neg unary function on the type
      • Exponentiation: dispatches to the pow binary function on the type
      • Equality: dispatches to the eq binary function on the type
      • Less than: dispatches to the lt binary function on the type
      • Length: calls the len method on ReflectReference or on the table if the value is one.
      • Iteration: dispatches to the iter method on ReflectReference which returns an iterator function, this can be repeatedly called until it returns ScriptValue::Unit to signal the end of the iteration.
      • Print: calls the display_ref method on ReflectReference or on the table if the value is one.
  • Script handlers, loaders etc. must be implemented such that the ThreadWorldContainer is set for every interaction with script contexts, or anywhere else it might be needed.