Core Callbacks

On top of callbacks which are registered by your application, BMS provides a set of core callbacks which are always available.

The two core callbacks are:

  • on_script_loaded
  • on_script_unloaded


This will be called right after a script has been loaded or reloaded. This is a good place to initialize your script. You should avoid placing a lot of logic into the global body of your script, and instead put it into this callback. Otherwise errors in the initialization will fail the loading of the script.

This callback will not have access to the entity variable, as when the script is being loaded it's not attached to an entity yet.

print("you can also use this space, but it's not recommended")
function on_script_loaded()
    print("Hello world")


This will be called right before a script is unloaded. This is a good place to clean up any resources that your script has allocated. Note this is not called when a script is reloaded, only when it is being removed from the system.

This callback will not have access to the entity variable, as when the script is being unloaded it might not be attached to an entity.

function on_script_unloaded()
    print("Goodbye world")