

  1. uuid::Uuid


A unique UUID for an animation target (e.g. bone in a skinned mesh).

The [AnimationClip] asset and the [AnimationTarget] component both use this to refer to targets (e.g. bones in a skinned mesh) to be animated.

When importing an armature or an animation clip, asset loaders typically use the full path name from the armature to the bone to generate these UUIDs. The ID is unique to the full path name and based only on the names. So, for example, any imported armature with a bone at the root named Hips will assign the same [AnimationTargetId] to its root bone. Likewise, any imported animation clip that animates a root bone named Hips will reference the same [AnimationTargetId]. Any animation is playable on any armature as long as the bone names match, which allows for easy animation retargeting.

Note that asset loaders generally use the full path name to generate the [AnimationTargetId]. Thus a bone named Chest directly connected to a bone named Hips will have a different ID from a bone named Chest that's connected to a bone named Stomach.
