


A region of 3D space defined by the intersection of 6 [HalfSpace]s.

Frustums are typically an apex-truncated square pyramid (a pyramid without the top) or a cuboid.

Half spaces are ordered left, right, top, bottom, near, far. The normal vectors of the half-spaces point towards the interior of the frustum.

A frustum component is used on an entity with a Camera component to determine which entities will be considered for rendering by this camera. All entities with an [Aabb] component that are not contained by (or crossing the boundary of) the frustum will not be rendered, and not be used in rendering computations.

This process is called frustum culling, and entities can opt out of it using the NoFrustumCulling component.

The frustum component is typically added automatically for cameras, either Camera2d or Camera3d. It is usually updated automatically by update_frusta from the CameraProjection component and GlobalTransform of the camera entity.
