- start : f32
- end : f32
A nonempty closed interval, possibly unbounded in either direction.
In other words, the interval may stretch all the way to positive or negative infinity, but it will always have some nonempty interior.
Function | Summary |
clamp(_self, value) | Clamp the given `value` to lie within this interval. |
clone(_self) | No Documentation 🚧 |
contains(_self, item) | Returns `true` if `item` is contained in this interval. |
contains_interval(_self, other) | Returns `true` if the other interval is contained in this interval. This is non-strict: each inter |
end(_self) | Get the end of this interval. |
eq(_self, other) | No Documentation 🚧 |
has_finite_end(_self) | Returns `true` if this interval has a finite end. |
has_finite_start(_self) | Returns `true` if this interval has a finite start. |
is_bounded(_self) | Returns `true` if this interval is bounded — that is, if both its start and end are finite. Equi |
length(_self) | Get the length of this interval. Note that the result may be infinite (`f32::INFINITY`). |
start(_self) | Get the start of this interval. |