




Render method used for opaque materials.

The forward rendering main pass draws each mesh entity and shades it according to its corresponding material and the lights that affect it. Some render features like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion require running depth and normal prepasses, that are 'deferred'-like prepasses over all mesh entities to populate depth and normal textures. This means that when using render features that require running prepasses, multiple passes over all visible geometry are required. This can be slow if there is a lot of geometry that cannot be batched into few draws.

Deferred rendering runs a prepass to gather not only geometric information like depth and normals, but also all the material properties like base color, emissive color, reflectance, metalness, etc, and writes them into a deferred 'g-buffer' texture. The deferred main pass is then a fullscreen pass that reads data from these textures and executes shading. This allows for one pass over geometry, but is at the cost of not being able to use MSAA, and has heavier bandwidth usage which can be unsuitable for low end mobile or other bandwidth-constrained devices.

If a material indicates OpaqueRendererMethod::Auto, DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod will be used.
