
Performs a spherical linear interpolation between self and end based on the value s. This corresponds to interpolating between the two angles at a constant angular velocity. When s == 0.0, the result will be equal to self. When s == 1.0, the result will be equal to rhs. If you would like the rotation to have a kind of ease-in-out effect, consider using the slightly more efficient nlerp instead.


# use bevy_math::Rot2;
let rot1 = Rot2::IDENTITY;
let rot2 = Rot2::degrees(135.0);
let result1 = rot1.slerp(rot2, 1.0 / 3.0);
assert_eq!(result1.as_degrees(), 45.0);
let result2 = rot1.slerp(rot2, 0.5);
assert_eq!(result2.as_degrees(), 67.5);


  • _self : Rot2 - No Documentation 🚧
  • end : Rot2 - No Documentation 🚧
  • s : f32 - No Documentation 🚧


  • arg0 : Rot2 - No Documentation 🚧