

  • weights : alloc::vec::Vec
  • first_mesh : core::option::Option<bevy_asset::handle::Handle<bevy_mesh::mesh::Mesh>>


Controls the morph targets for all child Mesh3d entities. In most cases, [MorphWeights] should be considered the "source of truth" when writing morph targets for meshes. However you can choose to write child [MeshMorphWeights] if your situation requires more granularity. Just note that if you set [MorphWeights], it will overwrite child [MeshMorphWeights] values.

This exists because Bevy's [Mesh] corresponds to a single surface / material, whereas morph targets as defined in the GLTF spec exist on "multi-primitive meshes" (where each primitive is its own surface with its own material). Therefore in Bevy [MorphWeights] an a parent entity are the "canonical weights" from a GLTF perspective, which then synchronized to child Mesh3d / [MeshMorphWeights] (which correspond to "primitives" / "surfaces" from a GLTF perspective).

Add this to the parent of one or more Entities with a Mesh3d with a [MeshMorphWeights].
