

  • cos : f32
  • sin : f32


A counterclockwise 2D rotation.


# use approx::assert_relative_eq;
# use bevy_math::{Rot2, Vec2};
use std::f32::consts::PI;

// Create rotations from radians or degrees
let rotation1 = Rot2::radians(PI / 2.0);
let rotation2 = Rot2::degrees(45.0);

// Get the angle back as radians or degrees
assert_eq!(rotation1.as_degrees(), 90.0);
assert_eq!(rotation2.as_radians(), PI / 4.0);

// "Add" rotations together using `*`
assert_relative_eq!(rotation1 * rotation2, Rot2::degrees(135.0));

// Rotate vectors
assert_relative_eq!(rotation1 * Vec2::X, Vec2::Y);


angle_between(_self, other) Returns the angle in radians needed to make `self` and `other` coincide.
angle_to(_self, other) Returns the angle in radians needed to make `self` and `other` coincide.
as_degrees(_self) Returns the rotation in degrees in the `(-180, 180]` range.
as_radians(_self) Returns the rotation in radians in the `(-pi, pi]` range.
as_turn_fraction(_self) Returns the rotation as a fraction of a full 360 degree turn.
clone(_self)No Documentation 🚧
degrees(degrees) Creates a [`Rot2`] from a counterclockwise angle in degrees. # Note The input rotation will always be clamped to the range `(-180°, 180°]
eq(_self, other)No Documentation 🚧
fast_renormalize(_self) Returns `self` after an approximate normalization, assuming the value is already nearly normalized.
from_sin_cos(sin, cos) Creates a [`Rot2`] from the sine and cosine of an angle in radians. The rotation is only valid if `sin * sin + cos * cos == 1.0`. # Panics Panics if `sin * sin + cos * cos != 1.0` when the `glam_assert` feature is enabled.
inverse(_self) Returns the inverse of the rotation. This is also the conjugate of the unit complex number represe
is_finite(_self) Returns `true` if the rotation is neither infinite nor NaN.
is_nan(_self) Returns `true` if the rotation is NaN.
is_near_identity(_self) Returns `true` if the rotation is near [`Rot2::IDENTITY`].
is_normalized(_self) Returns whether `self` has a length of `1.0` or not. Uses a precision threshold of approximately `1e-4`
length(_self) Computes the length or norm of the complex number used to represent the rotation. The length is ty
length_recip(_self) Computes `1.0 / self.length()`. For valid results, `self` must _not_ have a length of zero.
length_squared(_self) Computes the squared length or norm of the complex number used to represent the rotation. This is
mul(_self, rhs)No Documentation 🚧
mul-1(arg0, arg1)No Documentation 🚧
mul-2(arg0, arg1)No Documentation 🚧
nlerp(_self, end, s) Performs a linear interpolation between `self` and `rhs` based on the value `s`, and normalizes th
normalize(_self) Returns `self` with a length of `1.0`. Note that [`Rot2`] should typically already be normalized by design. Manual normalization is only needed when successive operations result in accumulated floating point error, or if the rotation was constructed with invalid values. # Panics Panics if `self` has a length of zero, NaN, or infinity when debug assertions are enabled.
radians(radians) Creates a [`Rot2`] from a counterclockwise angle in radians. # Note The input rotation will always be clamped to the range `(-π, π]
sin_cos(_self) Returns the sine and cosine of the rotation angle in radians.
slerp(_self, end, s) Performs a spherical linear interpolation between `self` and `end` based on the value `s`. This c
turn_fraction(fraction) Creates a [`Rot2`] from a counterclockwise fraction of a full turn of 360 degrees. # Note The input rotation will always be clamped to the range `(-50%, 50%]