

  • full_size : glam::UVec2
  • offset : glam::Vec2
  • size : glam::UVec2


Settings to define a camera sub view.

When [Camera::sub_camera_view] is Some, only the sub-section of the image defined by size and offset (relative to the full_size of the whole image) is projected to the cameras viewport.

Take the example of the following multi-monitor setup:

│ A │ B │
│ C │ D │

If each monitor is 1920x1080, the whole image will have a resolution of 3840x2160. For each monitor we can use a single camera with a viewport of the same size as the monitor it corresponds to. To ensure that the image is cohesive, we can use a different sub view on each camera:

  • Camera A: full_size = 3840x2160, size = 1920x1080, offset = 0,0
  • Camera B: full_size = 3840x2160, size = 1920x1080, offset = 1920,0
  • Camera C: full_size = 3840x2160, size = 1920x1080, offset = 0,1080
  • Camera D: full_size = 3840x2160, size = 1920x1080, offset = 1920,1080

However since only the ratio between the values is important, they could all be divided by 120 and still produce the same image. Camera D would for example have the following values: full_size = 32x18, size = 16x9, offset = 16,9
